Sbnrnye cam tak ready sgt time nih
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Lagi Shy..Lagi Shy~!!
Sbnrnye cam tak ready sgt time nih
Posted by syafrina shy at 2:44 AM 2 comments
lame seyh tak begambo~!!
Yuhuu..lame btul rase nye tak begambar..mau bebulan jugak la..(ala, tu pun nak kecoh shy ni)..then ritu plan la nk bbuka d Secret Recpe.. suke suke suke.. ^_^.. best gile dpt buka ngan kwn2 ku sekelian.. yeay.. kuar kul 8.. pastu tbe2 terinagt.. (eh, mcm best kalau begambor ni ek) lg.. tet tet tet.. (amek hp, text as..) " As, nk pinjam camera ley??".. tp camera As ade problem ape tah time tu.. tp tade hal.. plan ttp jalan ok..hehheh.. As pn mengoffer camera hp die..haih, da lupa ke..skang kn zaman beteknologi..ta pelu susah2 cr camera..hp sudeh.. :) lg..bemcm2 aksi kami buat.. tp certain je la yg d upload..sbb?? suka hati sy la.. wakakaka.. gurau je pe lg..layannn.. (fara, pinjam tag line jap eyh)
Kaki mau senget siket..=P
Posted by syafrina shy at 2:26 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Him at Dili
Posted by syafrina shy at 3:56 PM 0 comments
SOpping Pra Raye ~
Posted by syafrina shy at 11:43 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Shy yg baek!! hehe..tipooo
Salaam sume.. kali ni kene ckp sopan2 siket sbb tgh bpose, klu tak kurang pahala..heheh..
So, pd yg bpuasa..slamat bpuasa sy ucpkn..yg tk puasa ats sbb2 yg tk bule dtrima..astaghfirullah sy ucpkan..
So, since now bulan yg mulia lg diberkati..just wanna share wit u guys.. saje je nk share knowledge yg sy ade nih pd sume yg bace blog neh..act saya tak tao la ade org bace ke tgk meter kt profile tuh mkin hr mkin nek assuming u all bace la eh..
bak kata org ade ilmu elok di sebar2 dlm proses nk sebar r nih.. ilmu2 yg saya nk smpaikan ni sbnrnye bukan je ley amalkn time bulan puase pd bile2 mase pun bule..
- Setiap jumaat, eloklah kita bace Surah al-Kahfi
- Then everyday, elokla kita bace Surah al-Waqiah utk ketenangan jiwa..and act surah tuh bnyk sgt benefit nye..mcm2 saket bule ubt dgn bace surah tuh..insyaAllah..N pd kaum hawa, jika korang nk cantek dalaman n cntik luaran, amalkan la ayat 35-38, bace 3 kali..tiup dlm air then minum lps subuh klu puase ni minum la time sahur or buka.. insyaAllah..
- Sentiasa sedekahkan al-Fatihah buat bonda dan ayhanda yg kira idop lg ataupun dah tiada..n sentiasa amalkan solat Dhuha..insyaAllah murah rezeki kita..
- And and..u all rajen2 la bangun malam utk solat sunat Tahajud..Tak tao specific benefit bagos la..hehe
Itu je stakat neh yg bole sy share ngan u all smua..i'm sure u guys mostly da tao kan info neh..pd yg da tau tuh..alhamdulillah sy ucpkan..keep doin it ya..yg pd yg tak tao tu..renungkan2 dan slamat beramal........ kihkihkih..
Saya sama skali tk beniat nk membangga diri..cuma nk berkongsi ilmu yg sedikit ni ibarat setitik air lautan..kan kan..smoga kita sume dpt manfaatnye..:)
hr neh agak pelik siket, sbb tbe2 rase mcm bek sgt mud tgh dtg nk bg tazkirah layan kan aje.. hehe..
Posted by syafrina shy at 2:01 PM 2 comments
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Hari neh breakfast????
Posted by syafrina shy at 11:27 AM 0 comments
Labels: nk wish hepi frenship day..bukan hr neh lak..lenkali r aku wish..hehehe
Friday, August 14, 2009
*Student Saya*
wuahhaa... hari neh ade dua student saya yg meminta maaf kepada saya..
Tujuan??? sebab takot saya terase hati..hehehe..syg jugak korang kt tutor korang ni eyh.. :p
sebenarnya tade la pape pon.. ta perlu nk terasa kot..
Seperti yg tertules d ats, ade dua student yg terlibat dalam citer neh..So, assume je sorang Pelajar A, n sorang lg Pelajar B ye kwn2..heheh..
Apakah insiden2 yg menybabkn mreka meminta maaf kepada saya?? Mari kita bace dialog di bawah..kalau tanak bace..closed je window tuh..kihkihkih..
Pelajar A : Biasela.. (dengan muka eksyen sambil tesengih sengih)
Saya: Dengan coolnye saya snyum je la.. *wink wink*
- Thanks sbb tak pernah siket pon korang sume tak respect akak...
- Thanks sbb bile sy suh hantar tutorial sumenye hantar..
- Sy tau yg sy nih garang, tp garang sy besebab..sebab sy nak awk sume pandai..kalau sy lemah gemalai je..sure2 korang sume pijak pale sy kn.. mcm tak tao..
- Thanks sbb kbnykn dr awk sume nk sy yg ajar kelas awk.. huhu..sejujurnye sy terharu .. :)
- Pada yg suke sgt ta tules name bile hntr tutorial, Zero marks for ur tutorial...
- N kalau awk sume biseng dlm kelas sy, hanya dgn renungan tajam je sume akn sila la biseng..!!!
So far, sumenye baek2..bagos2!! Truskan smpai mid sem neh ye..!! :)
Posted by syafrina shy at 5:43 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Such a busy person~
Posted by syafrina shy at 11:44 PM 2 comments
Monday, August 10, 2009
muke sy nmpak hepi tp sgt risau sbnrnye ngan kes H1N1 neh.. Now, kes ni maken menular n mula nk bejinak jinak ngan Malaysia kn.. :(.. sgt takot...
adek sy, aja from uitm pn kene balek n doc suh dier dok uma je..coz hi temperature.. pastu adek lg sorang tu pon kene balek dr MRSM gak coz demam.. ni nga ader kt umah..
pastu baru td call mama n she had a fever too.. i'm so sooo.. :(.. sian mama.. hukhuk....
tape2 ma.. shy akn balek sok..jgn risau ye.. I'll take gewd care of u.. :).. walaupon ade kelas kn.. sy na ponteng.. coz my mom is always on top compared to other things.. plus sy bukan dgr sgt pon dlm kelas.. so sgt la buang mase..
pade yg sangkot minta maaf kerana sejujurnya sy na ckp yg kelas Dr. sgt boring la.. dlm kelas pon sy slalu bersembang ngan kwn sebelah sy... huhu..mcm mane neh.. pasni sy sarankn Dr bg kuiz la kt sy..mesti sy alert.. confirm..hehhe..
so pe packing balek..hurray~!
Posted by syafrina shy at 3:19 PM 2 comments
oo sgt lame juga sy tak berblog.. bz sgt smpai tade mase nk nules.. ehhe.. na citer pasal one of my fren neh.. name die?? oppss.. ta bley btao ye.. :p.. kita gelar die X je..hekhekhek..
X ni dulu pna frust sbb bechenta ngan sorang girl nih.. cian kt die.. poor u.. hukhuk.. tape2 bunga bukan sekuntum pn kn.. kn..:)
ade la die citer kesah hdop die kt sy.. n saya sgt sedey n kesian kt dier neh.. ade ke patot.. kwn saya neh da siyes giler nk kawen ngan dak neh..dia buley men chenta ngan laki len lak kan..
sgt sedey tao!!... tp se bek kwn sy neh kuat semngt.. bagos2.. tgk la kwn sape kn..hehhe *tade sangkot paot*
pastu membujang la smpai skarang n girl tuh pn da kawen n beranak pinak pon.. taniah la wlupon sy tak knal awk sape.. :p.. and and...
kwn saya ni skarang die da jupe chenta baru da.. n chenta baru die tuh pn kwn saya juge...waa...taniah3... :).. emm hepi 4 both of u.. sgt teruja.. sbb ta sangka.. dlm kelas wat dunno je knmasing2.. rupe2 ny men2 mata eh.. ehhhe.. biase neh.. mak suh mata pulak.. :P
pape pn..hope korang dua hepi la eyh.. pada yg sangkot paot..jgn risau..shy ta btao sesape pn korang kapel.. diam2 suda.. name pn tk mention kn kn..hehhe.. pape pon..korang wajeb dtg kenduri kawen shy bedua.. kalau aseng2, ta bole masok.. hahaha!!
Posted by syafrina shy at 3:04 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 3, 2009
shahnaz oo shahnaz ~
Posted by syafrina shy at 9:55 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Jalan jalan~
Hye smua..
Today me with my mom and sis went out to the shops tau..we did sum kind of survey for ma wedding preparation.. (:.. me likeeeee...
Then I went for a facial treatment.. emm kind of excited doin all dis stuff..ahhaa... then melaram ngan wedding dress kan.. sgt besh... :).. but we haven't decide yet which dress is suitable for me n most important thing.. which is looks fine with me..hoho..susah la nk decide.. I still do not know my wedding theme yet... wuwuwuwu.. tatao lg nk kaler ape nih.. runsing ok!!!
We forgot to snap our pics td..sok plan nk kluar, kita try snap pics lak ..ahhaaa.. ok la.. nyte2.. :)
Posted by syafrina shy at 11:45 PM 3 comments
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Jom ke Singapura!!!!!
Sgt BEST ok!!!
Such a waste if u can't make it..really..
trip ni bole pcaye coz i da pegi twice b4 don't worry..cuma dulu tmpat lg sikit compared to now!!!!!! so wut r u waitin for!!!!!!!!!!
to those who r me, ym me, email me, frenster-ing and facebook-ing me tau..(:
Posted by syafrina shy at 2:47 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 25, 2009
When we care bout our frens and they do not care bout us....
Just don't care bout them anymore from now on!!!!!
Let them know how it feels when people are ignoring YOU!!
Posted by syafrina shy at 7:59 PM 2 comments
Friday, July 24, 2009
d*m* tired~
today em sooo tired..sigh~
Posted by syafrina shy at 10:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: what a long day~
Thursday, July 23, 2009
*...NoTe SenT By Me...*
Mlm ni rase busan sgt..
at 9pm da msuk tdor coz not feeling so well ..
then woke up at 10pm..till now,not sleep yet..
MisS HIM so badly...
MisS ma Luvly Homey...
Can't wait to pack my things ...
Let the time passess quickly ..
* HIM...*
Posted by syafrina shy at 2:28 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 20, 2009
today, i woke up early in da morning..em back to routine..mngajar d PASUM..
from 9am to 12 pm..em soo tired.. then balek bilek je mandi, solat, pommm atas katil..
tdur...( sgt best...:) ) lena till ptg , 4.40 pm..
then ready to go to the class..forgot bout da jamuan interaction lecture not start yet..coz all the lecturers gathered at the FEA the first place, we decided to tunggu je till maghrib..biasela mls nk at last naek la jugak coz dgr ade mknan sdap2 kt situ..nyum2...excited ok..:)
so we ate sate,soto n minum air longan...act bnyk sgt food yg capati,tose,manggis, rambutan, takdela2..durian takde pn..saje je..oppss..lupa..cendol pn ade..:)..daapppp gila ke nk rse smua smpat rase smua coz my tummy is too small la to rase all those food..but syukur least dpt merase siket..bnyk lg org susah kt luar tu kn :) nice la u..hahhaa..everyone,take note ok...kahkahkah...class...??after maghrib bru start today the percentage of focusing da lecture is higher compared to last week..hahah..sgt bebangga dengan improvement diri sendiri ini..:)..
when the lecture was nearly finished td..Mr. F msg sy..:).."excited"..hehe..mud study trus dtg..walhal nk balek da time tu..poyo je.. ;p..Mr. F tnye how's da class today..??da dinner ke..?? sume2 tu..i replied him..reply punya sudden msg cannot send..i found that...sile bace notis dibawah.....
MY HP KENA BAR........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CREDIT IS OVER THE LIMIT.........!!!!!!!!!!!! NO..!!!!!!!!
Ni yg sedey ni..:(..baru nk syg menyayangi siket da spoil my mud..:(..actually he already paid my bill costs RM 200 tau...Shy pn da call celcom da to reconfirm n updating my account..
tgk2 dia kata tk masuk lg...:(..b4 dis cpt je all readers, this is what we call discrimination.. ;p.. n to the celcom operator....I hv paid my bill tau..pls note that...huh...
oh by the week PASUM start their mid semester holiday for one i can go back to my luvly homey...after my master's class wed...hurray...:) as n yana..don't be jealous korang balek jugak..?? yah balek la..tiket mhl skang ni..dok je kt um eh..ikut turn week shy balek pulak...asek korang je...kihkih..
ok la..da ngantok..(tdo je kejenye..mane tk malas..sigh...)..:)..k abg..since em hving a problem to send da i wish kt sini je la eh..nyte care k..I L**E U n I M**S U..just fill up urself.. :)..c u in ma next post..
Posted by syafrina shy at 11:08 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 19, 2009
em not in da mud~ :'(
kita baru balek dr uma maksu kita td kt jln duta..
nk amek brg..
pstu on my way back to um tbe2 rase sedey sgt+sunyi..
ngan rumet tkde..Mr. F jauh..(sms kna limitkan coz mhl)..smpai bila nk mcm ni.. :'(
Then td asimen 1 pulak wat hal..allignment trus lari..
nk tukar justify pn tk bley.. then i asked my rumet to help me to solve dis prob..
dia da tolong degil jugak..still cannot... :(
then try tnye Mr. F..he can't help me coz tkde internet nk attached dat file..but he offered another help..which i hv to deal with his sis..nvr mind la..tknk menyusahkan..
plus..kita da tnye mbr laen da..hope die bley setelkan la....So bcoz of dat..kita tkde mud nk lyn ym2 member2 kita mlm nih..sorrrryyy... :( bad..
to yana " haah,question 4 (e) tu the answer is 1"
to rumet " rumet, thank u very much for helping me wlupn tk dpt..shy appreciate..and and rumet!!!balek la cpt!!!!!!!i need u coz tonite is my very tak best day!!!!!!i nanges td on my way back to um ...:'(
to kwn utm " da mud nk lyn sgt ym awk"
to kwn lame "sory jugak coz shy mcm nk tknak je ym awk"
to kwn sy "thanks coz sudi edit kn my asimen for me"
to all of u..gudnite~
Posted by syafrina shy at 11:01 PM 0 comments
Sunday morning~
morning smua..:)...
sgt awl bgn hr ni..coz after subuh tk dpt nk lelap kn mata..
since 6.46am till 8am dok pusing knn pusing kiri tk bley2 nk tdo..
sedey siket coz missed the best feelin when we got sleepy..ahha..(melampau ko ni shy..dush ..;p )
So tk tau nk wat pe sy msg la Mr. F..tnye tgh wat pe sume2 tu..niat d hati nk msg die so that lame2 bley rase ngantuk he asked me to wake up so that pintu rezki tk tertutup katanye..ish..hilang mud.. :(..(perli la tu..tau sgt) da bgn da..ok bang..??
oh..forgot to tell u..last nite kn i viewed my cousin's facebook profile tau..kak fara..she's got married may dis year n suddenly da pregnant tau..sgt cpt..em soooo hepi 4 u..dis gorgeous kak fara ni my cousin from jb..belah abh..pling close ngan die la cmpared to others coz she's so nice..
we went to the same she was my senior at SMK I.J. Convent jb dulu..bile tringat balek zmn2 skola dulu..rase best girl's school like can do anythin we want kn..:).
hope she will be a very gud,pleasant,wonderful,nice..etc...mother..(banyak ciri di situ)..congratulations kak fara..:)..
talking bout skola..suddenly tingat kt mbr2 rapat time kt utm dulu..dulu weekends je we all hd our own planning..either shopping or watch muvee at da cinema..(mostly shoppin la coz nk tgk wyg tu had to take bus bout 45 mins from utm)..but shopping..just called a taxi n suddenly arrived..very simple..:)..
dulu..even lunch pn we went to the cafe lapan lapan org ni..if 1 person can't make it..she has to sign the attendance tau..eh2..takdela2..tkdela mcm tu..just kidding..just tnye je nk mkn ke tak..klu tknk then fine..:)
now among 8 of us, 4 of us (as,yana,rumet n me) kt um doin master..husna in usm doin master while doing part timer as a teacher in skola mane..not sure but kt kedah la for sure..ros also same as husna..she's a teacher now..dayah still syg kn she's doin master but will be finished dis semester..(waa..sgt jeles..)..tasha..just graduated from utm .. Alhamdulillah .. so to all my frens..i would like to dedicate some speech here originally by bce pn tkpe..shy anggap je korang bace eh..:)
hari2 dok jupe since korang kt um same like hr2 bley wish kn..ehhe..
p/s: love one of maroon 5 song (sunday morning..:) )
Posted by syafrina shy at 8:15 AM 0 comments
Labels: precious moment
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Sleepy not~
actually tk ngantuk lg plus still excited blogging nih..
tu yg smpai publish 4 posts just in 1 day tu.. ;p
td just finished preparing test for my students (I am a part timer tutor)
just finished my assignment 1~ malaysian economy ..
now while posting a new post, i'm actually reading a book..
wahh..bukan sebarang buku..ermm..tajuknye kn..jap eh..baru nk tgk..
"Tourism crises causes,consequences and management"
Rumet..sila berbangga ngan rumet anda ini ok..sgt rajin mlm ni..jarang dpt rajen mcm ni tau..ehhhe..
sbnrnye bukan baru check date return buku ni..tgk pnya tgk..30 july ni..mmg la lame we (me n my rumet) borrowed 4 books..bila nk bce tu..?? haahaha...sorang dua la eh rumet..kihkihkih..
talking bout dis book kn..shy hepi sgt..coz last tuesday bru tau yg we just need to submit the proposal oni..not the sgt lega...coz b4 dis we thought we have to conduct dat research..semangat ok nk cari data..source pn da ade..tgk2 tk perlu...hurray..:)..sgt seronok..
ok la..kata smangat let's cont. all of u..nyte2..:)..
Posted by syafrina shy at 11:59 PM 0 comments
Mr. F
Ok..for those yg da tau srba siket ttg Mr. F..fine..diam kn aje k..for those yg let me introduce him..Mr.F is actually my fiance..we'll be married soon insyaAllah..when??where??nnt da confirm i will let u know k..:)
Actually Mr. F kena kerja di Dili for one year tau..projek kt sne start dis august which is kt kt Dili but project kt Australia..mcm tu la lebey kurang..apa yg I faham la..nnt tnye Mr. F balek..(watpe..bukan masuk exam pn)..:p
But then today he's on his way to td Mr. F sms kata dia da smpai..alhamdulillah...:)..he'll be there for two weeks..I don't yg I care most is whether I still can ctct him or la tkot dia kt offshore ke kn..susah sikit..So i asked him..
He replied..bole insyaAllah with a smiley..:)..ok...(sukeee..hik..)..full stop..hehe
oh..wanna look his picture..just done editing that pic tau..:)
Posted by syafrina shy at 7:02 PM 2 comments
ahha..mesti korang tertnye2 nape ngan monyet kn..klu tk rase nk tau..bace jugak..
:)..ok cani sbnrnye..
after solat asar..i was so hungry at dat time and decided to trun kt cafe bwh..
at first place, shy nk order western food..but considering that tkot lapar tetengah mlm trus pegi order nasi puteh je..
pilih punya pilih menu..lastly order nasi puteh+tlur dadar+sotong msk paprik which cost RM5.50..(nk citer beli mknan pn nk kena elaborate shy ni..:p)
monyet story blum smpai lg..ehhe..ok2..let's cont.
then da smpai bilik,trus mkn coz my stomach can't wait to work(processing da food..:) )
abes mkn..
mandi..(syampu rmbut)
basuh pinggan yg dh digunakan td..oppss lupa sudu skali..(detail ok)
then msuk bilik ready to do my assignment (planned to do that last night but still not doin' yet..biasela..student..postpone2 ni mmg sinonim ngan student)
actually i was nearly to do the assignment but suddenly felt sleepy..hahah..told u earlier(stated in my profile)..then baru nk naek ktil tbe2 dgr ade org ketuk pintu..
i opened the door and agak surprised la coz my neighbour (from China yg never like to put smile on her face..huh) yg ketuk smbil TERSENYUM+tkut2...dia mintak tolong conversation shy ngn dia...
neighbour : excuse me, can u help me?
shy: what kind of help do u asking for..??
neighbour : there's a MONKEY in my room..??
Gulpppp..actually i was shocked..but still maintain cool la cuak jugak sbnrnye..
u all nk tau that btuah monkey tu wat pe.. he enjoyed eating pear (memilih pulak tu) while others which is human being like us nga takot ngan kedatangan yg tk d alu-alukan tu..huh..apela monyet nih..tah pape je...tau tk kitorang rase terancam bile ade nye ko..??
ok smbung balek conversation td tu..
shy : ermmm..where's ur rumate..?? (actually tk tau nk solve dis kind of tnye bnda yg tk perlu kot)
neighbour : she's outside..
i've no idea how to solve dis prob..coz I PUN TAKUT NGAN MONYET!!!!!...cane nk tolong kn..bak kata org..buat baik bepada2 buat jht jgn die pn fhm n don't mind..
So apa lg..cpt2 masuk bilik kunci pintu,tutup all the tingkap n balcony's door..ok..feel safe now..betuah btul monyet tk tau la neighbour tu da setelkan prob ni or not..hope da la..
sory...if i can help, i will mmg btul2 tk bley bygkan klu tbe2 dok m'halau monyet tu,pastu monyet tu lompat kt kita..haaaa..sumpah demam tekejut...
oh by the way..that monkey gets in thru the window tau..ish since when la um ni bela monkey..
ok..u all klu nk tau cane nk handle monkey after dis..definitely la not me kn..:)..
k..pasni story pasal haiwan lain lak..:p
Posted by syafrina shy at 6:30 PM 0 comments
I have one!!! :)
hahah..finally i have created one for myself..
dats the only way i can express my feelings..
although i jauh ketinggalan zaman..coz bru ada blog kn..
but better start now than never..aite..??hehe
u all nk tau tk actually da lame tau nk ade my own blog..
but very lazy la to type all those words everyday..
tp dsbbkan hr ni kbosanan kn..try la tgk2..
eh2..tbe2 ter register la..kihkih
so..i'm like that jakon one..
just click whatever buttons they want me to click..hehe..
so terer jugak la..(tkde la jakon sgt kn kn..hehe)
so welcome to my new blog..:)
Posted by syafrina shy at 4:01 PM 0 comments