hey guys..shy ade member yg handle trip to singapore..
Sgt BEST ok!!!
Such a waste if u can't make it..really..
trip ni bole pcaye coz i da pegi twice b4 ni...so don't worry..cuma dulu tmpat lg sikit compared to now!!!!!! so wut r u waitin for!!!!!!!!!!
to those who r interested..skype me, ym me, email me, frenster-ing and facebook-ing me tau..(:
Sgt BEST ok!!!
Such a waste if u can't make it..really..
trip ni bole pcaye coz i da pegi twice b4 ni...so don't worry..cuma dulu tmpat lg sikit compared to now!!!!!! so wut r u waitin for!!!!!!!!!!
Price?? RM145 per person oni.. (worth ok)
price including passport..passport will be settled by us..
destination?? Sgt bnyk..the tentatif prog is with me!!
a professional tourist guide will guide us there..
date?? 7 august n 14 august 09
to those who r interested..skype me, ym me, email me, frenster-ing and facebook-ing me tau..(:
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